Saturday 1 February 2014

Neil Lennon:The Perfect Hate Figure?

What is it about Neil Lennon that makes it so acceptable to hate him?  Is it his attitude, the way he carries himself, his temper even? Or is it simply that he is a Northern Irish Catholic man who is associated with Celtic Football Club.

My view is the later. The treatment of Neil Lennons over the last 13 years has been nothing short of despicable and it has been allowed to happen. Not only by the people who agree with it but also by those who write it off as "Banter".

Some people may think it excessive to include his association with Celtic as a "reason" or contributing factor to the treatment Neil Lennon receives but to me it is. Only today (1/2/14) Neil Lennon was verbally abused, spat at and had missiles thrown at him by Aberdeen fans at Tynecastle. Aberdeen fans who also no doubt idolise Niall McGinn, A Northern Irish Catholic man. McGinn of course also played for Celtic but not at the consistency of Lennon.

 This among other things is what leads me to believe that people in Scotland, not just Glasgow see Lennon individually as an acceptable target.

No other sports person in living memory has tolerated the level of threats, abuse, attacks, bombs, bullets, bigots or "banter" that Neil Lennon has in his time in Glasgow and the fact that he is still here speaks volumes of the man, of his love of football and his love of Celtic Football Club. Many would have turned their back on it all and for that alone he should be saluted.

For me something must be done and the SNP football bill is not the answer, bigotry is not a Glasgow problem or a West of Scotland problem, it is a national disgrace and this should be reflected in the policing of incidents such as today at Tynecastle, where were the FoCUS group so often on hand with their cameras and Handcuffs and Celtic park? Most likely kicking in a 13 year olds door for having a Green Brigade scarf in his bedroom, but in all seriousness this has gone on too long.

In Scotland in this day and age a man, regardless of nationality, religion, race or any other factor should be able to live his life and go about his business without fear of attack because of any of his beliefs. The individuals who are responsible for these attacks and other similar offences need to be dealt with severely. Maybe Police Scotland should adjust their focus (pun intended) and be more worried by this sort of thing rather than who is singing what song, just a thought.

I live in hope rather than expectation though.

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